
Showing posts from November, 2020

Wing, part 1

Before setting out to build this plane I decided to make some changes and adapt it to the 4-channel plane I want. It is going to be equipped with an electric motor rather than a glow-plug 0.049 engine, and I have some modifications planned for the fuselage. The wings will be equipped with ailerons to make it a true 4-channel model. The original kit had an optional add-on aerobatic aileron-wing with a semi-symmetric profile and no dihedral. The wing I decided to build will have a ~3 degree dihedral and wing-length ailerons. To accommodate the ailerons I made some minor changes to the trailing edge seen in the picture, and printed a rib template from PLA on my 3D printer. The trailing edge spar I used is actually 1/4"x3/8" and not a 1/4"x 3/4" as in the picture. I cut each rib using the template, which was my first mistake. It takes too long, and if you're not careful to check each one they may not match. A better method would be to "sandwich" rough-cut
The Balsa order was delivered today from Specialize Balsa Wood LLC . This was the first time I ordered balsa material on-line and the place was recommended by a fried at my RC club. After some comparisons to other on-line stores I decided to try them out. What I liked about Specialized Balsa is that they provide a selection service and pick the balsa density you request, as well as sell small quantities to individuals. The package was tightly and securely packed, with the exact items I ordered, and of the correct balsa density: Next step, building the wing...
This is my very first public blog post so it is going to be a rather short first post. I've (finally) decided to use this medium and share the construction process of a 4-channel RC plane, which I built and flew many years ago. Even though I recycled the old plane I still have the blueprints, and if anyone is interested copies can be downloaded from OUTERZONE ( here ). The original design is a simple 3-channel plane that has an optional aerobatic wing for a 4-channel model. My plan is to create a hybrid of the two: build a wing with a smaller  dihedral  angle and add ailerons. I'll describe the design and build changes as I progress through the project. The Balsa wood is on order so stay tuned as there will be more to follow in the coming weeks.